
Saturday, 3 March 2012

Labour's Long Weekend of its Scottish failings

The Caird Hall less than a third full on both days, its accoustics as hollow and empty as the politicians braying into them, Labour's Scottish region with its head not so much stuck in the sand as up its own backside and this is the party that is going to save Scotland from its self by keeping it the 'Union'.

The toxic three (Labour, Libdems, Tory) constantly miss the point with respect to Scotland and have, since 2007, focussed on Alex Salmond rather than the frequently expressed wish by the Scottish electorate for a new confederal Union where we pay our own way and put in a share towards services such as defence.

The impact of this is that Westminster would return to being the English parliament along with the out moded and undemocratic House of Lords. The UK would be run as a unicameral body along the lines of a British Isles Council.

All the likes of Milliband, Clegg and Cameron are doing with their 'jam tomorrow line' and telling us Scots that the man we elected First Minister is a big bad bogeyman and we are naughty to think we can get away with it, is loosing the argument without the SNP having to say or do anything.

Milliband spoke to Labour Scottish Region activists yesterday, Labour's West of Scotland 'bastion' is in open civil war which has everything to do with self interest than Glasgow and environs, across Scottish Councils up coming council candidates for Labour are already in arms about the compulsory levy on their 'salary' if elected and the big brother performance measuring which is being imposed all of which he ignored with his mewling little 'speech'.

What the toxic three just do not get is that Scots are not going to be 'told' by Oxbridge millionaires, whose self interest shines brighter than their polices, what is best for us and the more they do the further Scotland slips through their fingers.

Today we heard from Labour in Scotland's Wee Jimmie Krankie that Labour's Scottish Region has nothing to say sorry for and it is all the First bogeyman the majority of Scots voted for's fault with all the deliberately positive things he is doing for Scotland, how we don't deserve a Scottish Government focussed on doing the best for Scotland and why if we trust them this time they will do all those things they have failed to do for the last 50 years and more for Scotland.

In the meantime on the issues that really bother the Scottish electorate about Labour in Scotland - bullying, gerrymandering, ignoring their own party rules, the civil war in Glasgow, collapsing membership, links to organised crime, obstructing Strathclyde Police investigations into party / ALEO malfeasance, London taking direct control of candidate selection, jobs for the bhouys and girls and all the other signs the party is in rapid decline there was just a 'sage brush' momment.

Johann Lamont you do not simply have to apologise to the people of Scotland for your party's betrayal's over the last 50 years but the Labour constituency parties in Scotland you have also humiliated.


  1. A propos the attacks on AS.

    All three rogue infested parties have nothing to offer us so they only way they can make a case is to degrade the SNP's. Thus the blitzkrieg of lies, smears and deception which their poodle MSM is diffusing. the attacks on AS are a part of that in that they think that if they cut off the Head the body will die.

    Why don't they have a policy to offer as you suggest on a federal type structure.

    That is simple because they would be embarrassed by the progress that Scotland would make, even that wee pretendy independence.

    I predict that the three will eventually just become two, with maybe a couple of fringe parties and a US style Democrat / Republican set up will emerge, both with same basic agenda (as now) and elections fought on marketing, advertising an constant hoodwinking.

    Both big parties want it and Cameron will absorb Clegg, which is also what Clegg wants personally.

    The last thing they need or want is a bunch of radical jocks showing them for what they are; careerist thieves.

    Lamont, Moore, Davidson and Rennie are what Stalin would describe as willing fools to be jettisoned as and when necessary.

    I really do think now that Cameron is not to concerned about losing Scotland except in as far as it may effect his UN Security Council seat, the idea that the £ is a World currency, G7 status and nuclear subs. Maybe this is part of the reason that AS is sounding so reasonable about these so that Cameron will have an exit route and can portray business as usual without the Lanliq connoisseurs.

    We need to be shot of this lot.

  2. "bullying, gerrymandering, ignoring their own party rules, the civil war in Glasgow, collapsing membership, links to organised crime, obstructing Strathclyde Police investigations into party / ALEO malfeasance, London taking direct control of candidate selection, jobs for the bhouys and girls"

    You missed out corruption. The insipid corruption which has been Scotland's bane ever since Labour thought Scotland belonged to them.
