
Saturday, 8 February 2014

STOP PRESS: Ed Balls - I hope to be rUK Chancelor in May 2015

For those who think that the UK Parliament will remains supreme until March 2016 it is worth reading this excerpt from a Business for Scotland article on the inevitability of a currency union:

"This week the Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls continued the move towards a mature, reasonable and common sense approach to the continuing currency union despite still campaigning against independence.

In a press interview he proposed meeting with the Scottish Government to discuss currency and stated that he would honour the principles of the Edinburgh Agreement to work together sensibly after the referendum, if he is elected Chancellor for the rest of the UK at the 2015 Westminster General Election."

Now go back and read what he said all over again.

So Ed Balls knows what the constitutional position is on a 'Yes' vote, two sovereign parliaments negotiating the end of the UK Parliament, with the UK Parliament having no say, and the 2015 May election will be for the new sovereign Parliament of England and Wales (with NI) as I stated in my piece 'Wee Things that matter'.

Funny what politicians say when they go off message or think folk are not listening.


  1. A 'slip of the tongue' no doubt?

  2. Looks like Mr Portillo agrees on the need for a 2016 rUK election. Now why would that be needed if not because Westminster ceases to be?

