
Sunday, 29 June 2014

Dr Findlay's Headcase Book

The NHS in England is heading down the Swanney ...... meanwhile in Tannoch Brae:

I see one of Dr Cameron's best pals has sucked o'er £2.6 million out of NHS England in the last year alone, Janet ..... 

Oh no Dr Findlay! ..... 

Aye, and that's no countin' the billions his pals at Crapita an Virgin have also taken oot fir no patient benefit - then thirs PFI - unco billions have been pished up agin the wa' on that scam tae the banker's sole benefit ...... 

You'd think the English would complain, Dr Findlay, or at least vote for someone different ..... 

Aye ye would, Janet, but it appears they believe aa the pish they are told by the BBC and thon London media about the NHS bein naw affordable in England ... 

I didn't think the English were that stupid, Dr Findlay ..... 

Aye well, Janet, it appears they are: sheeple and numpties tae a man ..... 

And there's them telling us Scots we are too wee, too poor and too stupid, Dr Findlay, for wanting out from this failed Union of unequals which is destroying all that our father's were promised as a land fit for heroes when they risked their lives against Hitler .....

Aye Janet - and that is an anal thermometer in ma top pocket afore ye ask ....

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