
Wednesday, 25 February 2015

An open letter to all PPCs.

Dear Prospective Parliamentary Candidate, 

In the light of Operation Yew Tree I understand that Police Scotland are re-opening a number of lines of inquiry regarding the activities of paedophiles in Scotland.

This will inevitably bring to the surface the allegations against the late Nicholas Fairbairn and his involvement with or assistance in covering up the Scottish Group of ‘High Status’ British Establishment paedophiles operating in Edinburgh and Glasgow in the 1970’s and early 80’s who went under the name of the ‘Untouchables’.

I trust Police Scotland have interviewed John Cowan, recently imprisoned by a London Court for his own paedophilic activities in the London and Essex area yet the issue of his procuring children for others to abuse was never contested. It is known that John Cowan was active in Edinburgh and the Lothians in the 1970’s and apparently boasted of how well protected he was by ‘friends’ in high places who he ‘helped’.

John Allen, who was at the centre of the Bryn Estyn Homes paedophile ring, has also recently been imprisoned for his own activities even though David Parry of the North Wales Council who commissioned the Jillings Report in 1994 on the Bryn Estyn scandal is on record as stating the report showed that John Allen was not just abusing children, he was procuring children to be abused by others including the Dolphin Square ring. There was also evidence of young people being exported to Amsterdam, from Bryn Estyn for paedophile activities via Dolphin Square. None of this was addressed by the English CPS in John Allen’s recent case before the Crown Court. The 1994 Jillings Report has never been published in an unredacted form and all requests of the Home Office to do so have been refused.

The campaign which exposed Jimmy Saville’s involvement in a paedophile ring in Scarborough, a ring which included local councillors, officers and businessmen, has faced and continues to face an unremitted barrage of harassment by the North Yorkshire Police ever since it started publishing its evidence of a cover up of local paedophile activities via its web site, articles which have also featured regularly in Private Eye reports on the issue of establishment paedophile rings. North Yorkshire Police have recently been advised by the Police Commissioners that their current and historic practices relating to the investigation, recording and prioritisation of claims of paedophilic abuse were flawed and badly managed.

In the light of the new allegations that Willie MacRae was murdered in the 1980’s by the British Establishment to prevent him from exposing the ‘Untouchables’ this is an issue Police Scotland should investigate as a high priority, given the serious allegations against the British Establishment this failure to prosecute the likes of John Allen or John Cowan for procuring children for others (including members of the Palace of Westminster in Dolphin Square and at other addresses) to abuse, raises.

Respect for politicians in the UK Parliament is at an all time low as evidence of illegitimate expense claims, bungs, money for access, general malfeasance and corruption especially amongst senior and supposedly ‘respected’ UK parliamentarians coupled with the continuing institutional cover up and acceptance of these activities which is now public knowledge.  Yet all this pales into insignificance when compared to the longstanding cover up of illegal paedophile activities by Lords, MPs and others at the Palace of Westminster, a cover up apparently set in motion in the 1980’s by Margaret Thatcher to protect the standing of the UK Parliament with the UK electorate against the activities of a ‘few’, according to Norman Tebbitt in a recent television interview.

If we are going to be stuck with this Union for some time to come, it is time to clear out the Augean Stables at its heart. A start will be bring to an immediate end the decades of cover ups on the issue of Dolphin Square, the Palace of Westminster and paedophilia, no matter the consequences for the reputations of those who have died or are still alive. It is time to place the unredacted 1994 Jillings Report into the public domain and let justice be done, no matter the consequences for the British Establishment.

Yours faithfully

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