
Wednesday 28 October 2015

Wednesday ..... I can never get the hang of Wednesdays

Here we are in the middle of the week and no one can actually decide if the failed parliamentary system at Westminster has had an attack of severe constituionalitis or not. We have, if you believe the British Establishment media channels, or we have not, if you actually read the fine detail what actually happened (or not) to Osborne's planned tax credits and other cuts. As I grasp at the straws of hubris from the smoke of a hypothetical constitutional apocalypse, the situation appears to be:
  1. The constitution breaking 'fatal motion' of the Lib Dems ermine warriors failed because the Labour Lords planked their hands under their corpulent arses and either abstained or voted with the Tories
  2. The Labour Lords' motion, passed; which basically says you can cut all you want Gideon but just 'not yet' and not retrospectively.
  3. Labour are claiming to have stopped Osborne's tax credit and other cuts dead in their tracks
  4. No one, outside of folk who read Gnat on line media, has a Scooby-Doo this is a whole massive smoke screen of pretendy listening to the country by the vermin in ermine behind which the Tory cuts are still firmly in place
  5. Look, there's a squirrel!
 The Tory press are full of how this is a tremendous shock to our 'democracy', people who are unelected can not do this to a majority government while neatly avoiding the obvious point these people are only in the House of Lords because other politicians decided it was a good place for them and a nice reward for services rendered in maintaining the British Establishment status quo and 75% of the UK's active electorate voted for anyone but the Conservatives.

In the slightly less right wing press we are reading about his great victory for Labour, even though it is one which is beyond Pyrrhic, beyond vacuous, far smaller than insignificant and an utter lie. Labour's claim of victory is the equivalent of saying the British Army only suffered a few cuts and bruises on the first day of the Somme Battle in 1916.

In the simplest of terms; from the point Osborne signs off on the relevant statutory order, the proposed cuts will effect all new claimants and previous claimants when they sign on for new benefits at any point in the future.

No reversal of Tory policy, no massive win for Labour, no constitutional crisis just another Labour and Tory political fix, made to look highly controversial and confrontational while really it is business as usual for the troughers of the British Establishment at the UK taxpayers expense.

Maybe I will get the hang of Thursdays ..... Keiza Dugdale at FMQs ..... maybe not ....  then.


  1. I can hear my labour supporting friends here and South of the border. 'Aye the Labour party stands up for poor as they always have'. They really will not look at the labour record of shafting the very people who give them their automatic votes.

    But then, what would I know with my SNP chip! 😁
    Ps. see WoS for chip article...

  2. "No reversal of Tory policy, no massive win for Labour, no constitutional crisis just another Labour and Tory political fix, made to look highly controversial and confrontational while really it is business as usual for the troughers of the British Establishment at the UK taxpayers expense."

    The same old Punch and Judy show, again.
