
Tuesday, 11 April 2017

There are fibs, lies, deceits and then there is UK Government propaganda

So what do you know .... it turns out after weeks of every media outlet pumping out just how brilliantly Ruth the Mooth was doing, how she was going to be the next first minister (in yer dreams hen), how she was Scotland's new sweet heart leading the Tory surge or should that be suck, as the Tories now have a Scottish vote share lower than the great Tory clear out of 1997. All of this hyper active grandstanding, by the usual suspects at the BBC and London media moguls, has been shown to be just so much self propagating hot air in Scotland with Ruthie now running an approval rating of -21 amongst her fellow Scots; compared to the collapsing fortunes of the evil and much reviled, international pariah Ms Sturgeon at +11.

If this was just one isolated event you could put it down to a bit of UKania hubris but a quick look at what actually happened in Syria where a Daesh chemical weapons dump, located in a civillian area, was bombed by the Syrian Air Force causing the deaths of civilians from the resulting, uncontrolled release of chlorine gas, as opposed to what we are told is happening (it is all Putin's faullt); then you have to give some serious thought to the veracity of any report eminating from London based  government and media sources.

How about how badly the Scottish economy is doing?

You still buying the problem has been caused by SNP economic incompetence rather than the direct fall out of Brexit as the UK lurches ever deeper into stagflation (prices rising faster than wages while the economy goes backwards and consumer confidence collapses).


Try the claim that the UK still punches above its weight in "world affairs", how does that stand up to scrutiny?

Well the Trump US organ grinder told Boris, the UK monkey, to get back in his cage and leave dealing with Putin to the "big boys". Boris could not scuttle back into his cage and supply of  "Del Monte" US sponsored bananas and monkey nuts quickly enough, it is believed he left a cheetah trailing in his wake. As for our UK military might, well, that has the US Pentagon laughing until their sides are aching.

How about the UK Government claim the major oil and gas find off of Cape Wrath in the Faroes Sea is worthless to a small country like Scotland but the UK Government is more than happy to hoover up the millions of pounds from Scotland's oil and gas fields to fund its own self serving needs to kindly save us worrying about it.

The prize gem must be the claims from the London based parties regarding NHS Scotland being in just as bad a state as NHS England, our GP services in Scotland are under increasing recruitment pressure because Brexit has put off EU trained doctors from coming to Scotland. Meanwhile across England GP services have actually collapsed and in the last quarter alone a further 260,000 folk in England are now without GP service provision, according to the BMA. This number has been showing an increasing trend, quarter on quarter, for nearly four years. The actual figure is heading towards over a million people who are now without GP services in England who previously had access.


You still believe that GERS is an accurate reflection of Scottish economic activity and the taxation base for an independent Scotland, you are kidding me, surely?

If this is the case, there is no hope for you and I suggest you assume the Tory 'brace' procedure and get some serious practice in kissing your arse goodbye.


  1. An absolute blether! Well done!

    Shared widely.

  2. Aaarrrggghhh... "belter" not "blether".

    Wretched spell checker Gauleiter.
