
Sunday, 28 January 2018

Lies, lies and then there are Unionists

Last week it was NHS Scotland failing (again) and 'flag gate', this week looks to be the Unionists attempts to blame the SNP for the PFI mess in Scotland which the self same unionists set up in the first place by handing out freebies to their pals in Carrilion and other offical Ponzi schemes.

I hope that Nichola Sturgeon drags the editors of both the Express, Mail and the Telegraph through the Scottish Courts for defamation. The Mail's apology is about as honest and sincere as most of the content the paper spews out on a daily basis.

There is little doubt the British Establishment is getting worried, very worried indeed, as its long standing cash cow, Scotland, is about to turn into a bull which will wreck the British Establishment china shop. There is a report on Bloomberg USA indicating that rUK could not service its national debt if Scotland becomes independent, its pundits currently predicting the pound will go as low as 80 cents US to the £1 by the middle of 2018.

As soon as you go outside the London media bubble and have a scurry around what Europe and the rest of the world is saying about Brexit there is a unanimous view that it will be disastrous for the UK's economy and people.You may have seen the cartoon from "Le Monde" which shows a bowler hatted man, wearing Union flagged shorts, in a handshake with Europe while sawing through their own arm. Even the right wing leaning Polish and Hungarian Governments are saying the UK has lost the plot, the EU might not be anywhere near perfect but it is a lot better than anything else since the last war, for Europe.

You can tell how desperate the British Establishment is getting when they have the Defence Minister spin the 'Russians are coming!' card, yet again.

When I was a young Royal Naval Officer in the mid 1970's, at the height of the Cold War, I attended "Know your enemy briefings" given by experts from the Defence Research Establishment and United Services. The message was pretty clear. If the Soviets did not militarily move West by the middle to late 1980's their economy would collapse, bringing down the Soviet Government and breaking up the the Soviet block of countries. In due course they did not come, Poland started opening the cracks in Gdansk with Lev Walenska and the shipyard workers which, in due course, lead to the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the dissolution of the Communist Empire in the West. During all this process the old Soviet Government did not try to stir a war with the West, even though there were a number of NATO scenarios which expected, in fact predicated the old Soviets would, if their Western satellites looked like coming over to the NATO side.

Yes, the Russians moaned about the threat to their borders and have created a civil war in Ukraine, to destabilise the country because the Ukraine joining NATO and the EU is just a step to far. The Russian military thinking remains based, in the west, on preventing a repeat of a NAZI style "Barbarossa" invasion by NATO. In the past they stirred up the Balkans via their old friends and allies, Serbia, to remind NATO they could. They are currently cosying up to Turkey as they see a chance to lever Turkey out of NATO. The Russian Government now prefers to exercise its influence in Europe via Gazprom gas pipelines which supply large tracts of Europe beyond their borders, including England.

What does this say about the Russian threat?

If we do not poke the Russian bear it will not turn and bite us as Russia prefers to carry on any argy-bargy with the USA and China via third parties as in Syria and Vietnam - it costs the Russians far less in cash and manpower. The Russian economy is presently too reliant on a strong and stable EU to want to upset that apple cart.

The question remains, just how much longer before the tired old 78 rpm, Bakelite, propaganda record of the British Establishment with all its scratches, distortions, jump backs and cracks continue to play in Scotland before we, as a nation state, chuck it in the bin?

Kelly's attempts to kick out the anti sectarianism bill in football is just another indicator of how stressed and small minded the Unionist cause has become in Scotland.

I have a simple solution to the problem of the Old Firm's sectarian habit. All the Old Firm supporters are registered, rounded up, armed with targes and claymores, Glasgow Green is turned into a massive arena, with high walls, no spectators, no media of any sort and the two sets of fans fight it out to the last person standing, I am talking equal opportunities here. Giving both sides the chance to show just how committed they actually are to spilling each others "Protestant and / or Fenian blood" which they like to sing about.

In the meantime the rest of normal Scotland can get on with its life looking to create an open, forward looking and inclusive nation state outside of a UK Parliamentary Union. Outside the stale and vindictive influence of the British Establishment which strives hard to keep this meaningless pseudo-religious bigotry going, simply to meet its own narrow, ignorant, selfish and self serving agenda.


  1. Great article, thanks. I and many more are now calling those intent on keeping Scotland shackled to their dysfunctional UK, BritNats. I see May is cosying up to China now. The Chinese gov won't give unless there's somethjng really lucrative on the table, for them.
    Brexit is the most stupid, idiotic, backward step anyone could ever have imagined.

    Scotland will be shoved off the cliff first if we don't get out of their nasty backward UKok soon.

  2. Beware the death throes of the Empire!!
