
Sunday, 18 November 2018

Tory Legitimacy in Dee Ward

Being a constituent in the Dee ward, I have just received the first “flier” from the prospective Tory Candidate.

The first item that caught my eye was promising small businesses something they already had in zero business rates, no mention of the impact on their costs, courtesy of Brexit which she must support as an official Tory candidate.

The A75 is part of Euro Route 1 and as such the UK Government in London receives money from the EU to help maintain this key route part of which it is supposed to transfer on to Traffic Scotland. Maybe Mr Carson MSP or Mr Jack MP can tell us how much of the EU funding provided for the A75 as part of Euro route 1 actually comes to Scotland, if any at all, given the recent Tory record on EU Scottish Farm grants at DEFRA. 

Ms Drysdale will soon get her wish for lower traffic loading on the A75 as with Brexit, the current usage will drop rapidly as the UK economy shrinks ever further and especially here in Kirkcudbright with our high reliance on exports of cattle, food products and shellfish to EU markets. The fixed border in the middle of the North Channel and Irish Sea will kill what is left of Stranrear's ferry business as sailing will be cut back as hauliers look at more custom friendly routes.

Public transport; Ms Drysdale, you know who made a mess of this when bus routes were privatised and sold off, hint - it was a Tory policy.

Anti-social behaviour in Kirkcudbright, aye right, turns out it was one drunken 20 year old who, courtesy of the local police force, was quickly caught, well done our police.

Bleating about a windfarm near Twynholm that has yet to get planning approval, let alone ever be built, if ever.

No mention of what she will do if Brexit causes the closure of West Coast Fish or Castle MacLennan due to loss of EU markets, the job losses and the massive impact this will have on our community. 

No mention of the impact of Brexit on crewing the current boats running out of Kirkcudbright with the loss of Senegalese and Polish crew members or the knock on impact on local fishery support and supply companies in Kirkcudbright as boats will inevitably be laid up.

If I was really concerned about the local community and local businesses, the issues of potential loss employment in Kirkcudbright would be top of my list as a councillor, not the least as it will have an impact on future council finances.

Their big problem is the demise of Johnston Press and their free propaganda in the local weeklies, I wonder if the new owners will continue our local papers pro-Tory stance. Then again, when have people who are not “Tories" ever interested the Scottish Tory and Unionist Party or their supporters.

In support of this contention: I give you the meal the Tory father (MP) and son (MSP) combo made of the Youngs closure at Annan.

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