
Sunday 12 July 2020

The Grand Old Duke of York

The song is about the Duke of York making a mess of a campaign in Flanders against the French in the 1790's when his dithering lost a campaign which should have been won.

The current Duke of York appears to following in his ancestors footsteps blowing hot and cold over his relationship with Mr Epstein as Ms Maxwell states she has sex tapes of some "important people" having sex with under age girls, at Mr Epstein's infamous parties; "When he was up, he was up" seems tawdry but pertinent.

How long Ms Maxwell has to live is anyone's guess, as no doubt Orange Don-Don, the current US President, probably stars in a few of these films. Anyway, we now know why Mr Epstein had such influence over the rich and famous when it came to special favours and deals for him and Ms Maxwell, no doubt the 'films' were a very nice little earner, for the pair, with out ever being shown.

It is to another Grand Old Duke of Porkies I now turn; the Humpty Dumpty of our times, Boris Johnson.

There he is sitting, Humpty Dumpty like, on his Brexit wall. All his sycophantic Cabinet Ministers and media pals trying to create a soft landing for him when he falls, as he will. The winds of dissent are building in England, his attempt at a Hancockup's half hour answering ordinary folk's on-line questions such as, "When are you going to do the decent things and resign?" or, "What is so successful in allowing 60,000 UK citizen's to die when you and your pals have been lining their own pockets with PPE scams and Covid tracing apps that were never going to work?" are now unlikely to see the light of day in Boris' question answering segway on social media, ever. The "Inews" reported that Downing Street (aka Dominic Cummings) saw the sort of questions arriving for Bawjaws and shut down the feed after just an hour.

In Grand Old Duke terms Bawjaws is at the point,"When he was only half way up, he was neither up nor down" which is not a good look on a leader at anytime. Bawjaws'' only plan is to bullshit and dither or as someone beautifully put it, "The Mac-Shrodinger's Border Conundrum" or "When does a border not exist? When the Tories say a border does not exist". Two clear examples "Mac-Shrodinger's Border Conumdrum" are seen to apply at the legislative and constitutional border between Scotland and England and Mr Johnson's non-existent EU border coming to an Irish Sea near you.

At every turn Mr Johnson has told us Scots we are wrong and should follow the "UK" lead (aka Bawjaws Botchers) on Covid only to rapidly change their minds and agree with Scotland's Covid approach by saying things like; Bawjaws has now had this great wheeze and jape, "tempus fugit" and all that, so let's all wear masks on the tube and on buses, good chaps and chapesses.

There is more dithering over defence of this "UK" nation as Dominic Cummings is looking for lots of tasty military computer apps to give his pals more millions pounds to develop or probably not as demonstrated by the "UK Covid App". To afford this Mr Cummings wants to cut the Grand Old Duke of York's putative 10,000 men from the military. The problem is from where; as due to dithering in Downing Street we have fleet carriers with no planes, a surface fleet reliant on re-fitting 30 year old frigates, an air force with inadequate numbers of fighter squadrons and having to re-purpose the Typhoon's they have as a fighter bomber, as there is no Tornado replacement. Meanwhile the Army are on the hind teat and are being asked to do too much with insufficient manpower, are seriously overstretched and increasingly reliant on the TA to meet its basic NATO commitments.

Then there is Dalek Sunak, "Exterminate, exterminate - all the poor, old and sick" the here today and gone tomorrow, UK chancellor, selling us fiscal snake oil as the cure to all the UK economy's ills with money they have already spent.

Yet Humpty-Dumpty sits there still, all reasonable folk wonder why he has not yet fallen and after Mark Francois comments to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Bawjaws can forget "All the Queen's horses and all the Queen's men" being in any rush to put Boris together again.

Bawjaws is less of a Churchill with 60,000 plus Covid deaths and million odd cases on his bill, more of a Haig, who put aside the first day casualties on the Somme (38,230 casualties and 19,240 dead) with the comment, "This level of casualties is acceptable given the length of front we are attacking."

Sounds much the same as Bawjaws Johnson's claims for "herd immunity".

1 comment:

  1. Do you think the whole thing is an exercise in reducing those likely to be a burden on the NHS by allowing them to die now?

    The whole thing is a balls up. The acceptability of the high numbers of deaths is incredible. Other countries have done far better. Okay, the whole thing is an economical disaster, but we need leaders who have better vision.
