
Wednesday 29 May 2019

I am an SNP member who voted for the Brexit Party

So started the long letter in Wednesday the 29th's National.

My polite response was as follows:

"I read Wednesday's long letter with care and then prĂ©cised the letter in my head and came up with, “ I threw my toys out the pram and voted for the Brexit Party”. 

The rest of the content was simply justifying why the author was right to throw their toys out the pram.

The “recognition of SNP members who want “Scotexit” is a strange trope. The SNP Membership has had many passionate discussions on Scotland’s place inside and outside the EU over the decades and despite the likes of Fisher and Ross passionate and deeply held anti-EU speeches at SNP conference and on other stages, the current membership, by a majority, has agreed to the SNP position of an "Independent Scotland in Europe" as do, according to a recent Progress Poll, 63% of Scottish voters.

Now if you believe in the power of a membership party, like the SNP, and the democratic votes within Branches, Constituencies and Conference on key issues of party policy, if you then find yourself on the minority side, you just have to thole you lost the debate and back the party majority line. Many did this over the SNP’s change on its position over NATO, they did not like the change but swallowed their disappointment of losing a democratic vote of conference delegates, just, and got behind the party once more. Most recently the leadership of the party have been told, by a vote of conference delegates, a currency for Scotland is a priority on independence rather than the wishy-washy position of Professor Andrew Wilson’s paper of if, maybe, never. 

The position of where a future independent Scotland will lie within the different layers of EU membership can not be decided until we once again have a truly sovereign parliament, to represent the considered will of the sovereign Scottish people.

What is important is to achieve the dissolution of the failed, corrupt and inept UK Parliamentary Union and remove its leaden hand from Scotland.

Now is not the time for any "throwing of toys out the pram” by the SNP membership. 

The SNP are the only party who will achieve independence for Scotland and this must be the SNP memberships’ focus, not taking the huff over positions on EU membership already decided by the majority of the SNP membership and which has the support of the majority of Scottish voters."


The other more Machiavellian part of me ponders just how could any SNP member who understands just how much control the membership have over the centre, can write this load of old cobblers on voting for the Brexit Party.

As I write the "Brexit Party" are not a recognised political party but a limited company funded in a less than open manner by the likes of Aaron Banks whose source of funds is less than transparent and over whom the stench of money laundering lingers long. Farage's Brexit treasurer has already faced charges of money laundering in the USA using the same Paypal scam as it appears is behind the current Brexit Party's funding platform. The Electoral Commission and the EU are taking close interest in Farage's financial status and, in the case of the EU, have already deducted sizable sums from money due to Farage as an EU MEP, due to clear financial irregularities.

The Brexit Party's current "Policy Document on ?" has yet to make it onto the back of one of Farage's fag packets, let alone be presentable to the public as any sort of manifesto. What is there to vote for except a promise of Brexit sometime, maybe never because he has no MPs in his Brexit Party to drive the vote his way at Westminster and the Tories will be looking to avoid calling a UK GE any time soon in the hopes 'Boris the Blowhard' can turn their current support collapse in England, around.

How long will it be before the "British (aka English) Establishment" try to bring their errant schoolboy, Farage, back to heel?

Maybe as their favourite errant schoolboy "Boris the Blowhard" is facing a court case which could blow the gaff on the whole sordid Brexit Campaign they will keep their knives in hand for now, as Farage may end up being the best of a bad bunch to ensure Brexit.

I do not wish to believe a true SNP member could stoop this low and vote for a party which is currently a phantom, a miasma, a silent fart lurking in Farage's underpants.

Abstain; OK, but vote for Farage - I just do not see it.

This leaves only one thought, the author of the long letter is a British SIS plant.

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