
Wednesday 3 July 2019

The Charge of the Shite Brigade

" Half a league, half a league, half a league onward,
Into the Central belt rode the Unionist hundred."

So the worst prime minister in recorded history is coming to Scotland to tell us to get back into our box and "dae is wir telt" at some press shoot, some where she will not have to face any actual ordinary Scots folk except for those in her selected audience of Scotland in Union supporters.

We are no doubt going to be told our "narrow nationalism' is a bad thing where as British Nationalism is the best thing since sliced bread. We will be given the "Paul Birrel"  view of a too poor, too wee, too stupid Scotland - yet again - by Mistress May along with the threat of cutting ourselves off from our biggest market without any explanation of just where highly dependent England will get all the goodies it needs from Scotland from elsewhere under WTO tariff restrictions.

Hey Meggie May just what happens when Scotland switches off the 7000 mega watts a day, in electricity supply, England needs from Scotland to keep the lights on in London or screws down the North Sea gas tap?

A tumble weed twists and bucks across the stage; as this, like most questions on not so subsidy junky Scotland, is met in silence.

OK then what about UK white fish landings, Meg, you do know 62% of all white fish landings are in Scotland?

The silence only becomes ever deeper as we sink into the Atlantic sized trench of Tory denial.

Maybees you could tells us about the export value of the Scottish economy, in foreign currency exchange alone, to the UK Treasury?

You must be making a few bob in excise tax from the 5 bottles of whisky a second that are being exported, according to the industry's own trade body.

What about the increasing problems of fresh water supply in SE England?

You do know that Loch Ness holds more fresh water than all the lakes in England and Wales combined? Oh, you have plans to sell Loch Ness to Nestle to bottle water as fresh water is now a commodity and not a universal right, Good luck with that one then.

That nice, comparatively, Mr Hammond ( the man who does the actual UK sums) says England and Wales are screwed if Scotland becomes independent, taking its £200 billion economy into the EU. The analysts over the pond reckon the new Scottish currency will rapidly increase in value over the "pound" to an exchange rate of 1: £1.20 sterling. Any comment on the rising cost of imports to England and Wales from Scotland in terms of exchange rate alone? What about the impact of an EU backed Scotland imposing WTO tariffs on England?

That's not going to happen, how so?

Oh, you will refuse Scotland the right to decide its own future and fate because the worst UK prime minister on record says so.

Hen, your actual legacy as worst UK prime minister has a very short life span as Boris the Hunt will quickly demonstrate.

Aye, and please don't let the door smack yer erse on the wey oot, as ye bugger back aff doon sooth.


  1. Just one thing, there is no excise duty on exports only on domestic sales.

  2. As far as I am aware the firms pay the excise duty as soon as the spirit leaves the bond. They may be able to claim the excise duty back in part or full if going for export, that I do not know.
